Senin, 30 Maret 2015


Strategy How To Answer Question TOEFL Listenung To Right

TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language) is a test of English language proficiency (American accent) are required to enroll into college (college) or university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is required for applicants whose native language or the speaker is not English. The purpose of the TOEFL is to measure the extent of our ability in mastering the English language, TOEFL is also often used to get a scholarship either inside or outside the country.
TOEFL listening section, tests the ability of a student, especially a non-native English speaker, to understand spoken English (accentuated) in educational setting. Listening is an important skill to understand the concepts and ideas. Only when the concepts are understood completely it becomes a lighter task to score in the listening section of TOEFL test. In order to develop the listening skills for TOEFL, there are certain set of listening strategies or steps. They are explained in detail given below.

The first part of the TOEFL test is listening comprehension in which participants will be heard some brief dialogue, the dialogue long, and long speech followed by a question answer choices in the paper about.
For most people listeing part is the most difficult in the toefl test. Because people speak in conversation or Didato are native speakers is very much different than the delivery by the Indonesian people that we often hear disekolahan or courses. They talk fast and sometimes the participants do not understand what is recited.
Walaupu difficult not have to give up because the actual TOEFL test in addition to requiring English language support capabilities are also associated with the strategy used when answering such questions:

Here are some strategies to answer toefl listening test you can try:

General Strategy
1. Understand the forms of the command (Direction in each section (part) well before the big day)
2. Read the answer choices each matter when the narrator is reading direction and example problems (Directio already read before D-day)
3. Listen to the full concentration and focus your attention on listening to the conversations that are anada
4. Maximize the ability listeing the first issues of each part

Special Strategy

PART A: Short Conversation
5. Focus on the speaker to hear both
6. Janganpanik if not understand a word-for-word in a conversation in kompliy, just need meangkap ideas and contents of the conversation
7. If you can not understand what the speaker diucapakan, choose the best answer is different from what you heard
8. Understand the functional forms of expression (agreement, suggestion, suprice, etc.), idiomatic expressions and situations when the conversation is done

PART B: Longer Conversation
9. When the narrator talked direction par B should read the answer choices at a glance and then record it and estimate what the theme will be discussed
10. When listening to the conversation, you must know the theme / topic being discussed
11. Beware of each question
12. Pay attention to the conditions and circumstances that occurred during a conversation that is concerned with the place and time pembicaraaan, what and who is concerned

13. If you have a lot of time, look at the answer choices listed in the booklet and find the key word
14. Beware talks in sentences first because usually the topic for the next sentences
15. Focus listen on matters relating to the 5-WH questions (What, Why, Who, When, Where) and How
16. Draw conclusions on the situation that occurs when the conversation is done.


Daily English Lesson – Texts, Listening Comprehension, Exercises
by English, baby!
Blessing in Disguise
Has anyone ever thrown a party for you? Surprise parties are usually fun, for birthdays, babies and weddings, and visitors we weren’t expecting can be a wonderful treat as well. People are often surprised by letters in the mail, or seeing an old friend at the grocery store. There are all kinds of ways that joy unexpectedly comes into our lives.
Perhaps even better is a blessing in disguise. Pretend that you are walking in the rain to a bookstore because your favorite author is going to read from her new book. You walk for an hour, and you arrive completely wet. When you walk in the door, you learn that the author is sick and won’t be reading after all. What a disappointment! You walked so far for nothing.
But when you look across the room, you see a friend you haven’t talked with in a year. In that moment, you agree to cross the street together to a coffee shop, and you talk for hours. The author’s sickness was unfortunate, but if she hadn’t been sick, you might not have had coffee with your old friend. It was a blessing in disguise.
Why was it a blessing in disguise that Jeff wasn’t at the office when Rafael popped by? Find out in today’s English lesson.
Rafael: Hey, Marni! What’s up?
Marni: Hi! Sorry. You startled me.
Rafael: That’s OK. I just actually popped by… I was looking for Jeff. I wanted to see if he wanted to grab some lunch with me or something.
Marni: He’s not here. He’s at a meeting and he won’t be back till later.
Rafael: Shoot!
Marni: But you know what? You are actually just the man I wanted to see.
Rafael: Really?
Marni: Mm-hm. Is it true that you’re looking for a job teaching yoga?
Rafael: Yes.
Marni: I have a friend who has a studio, and she’s looking for a new instructor.
Rafael: Really?
Marni: I guess her last yoga instructor took a job in Hawaii and had to leave suddenly.
Rafael: Just my luck! Maybe it was like a blessing in disguise that Jeff wasn’t here.
Marni: Could be. Do you have any experience teaching kids?
Rafael: Yeah, I taught kids once in a summer camp when I was in high school, actually.
Marni: OK, good. Because I think part of the job is teaching a kids’ yoga class.
Rafael: Interesting.
Marni: Yeah, I think it’s for kids 10 and up.
Rafael: OK. I think I could do that. That would be a really interesting challenge.
Marni: So, do you want to know how to get ahold of her?
Rafael: Yeah. I’d love that.
Marni: OK. Let’s put your number in my phone.
Rafael: Great.
Marni: Are you heading down?
Rafael: Yeah.
Marni: OK.
Rafael: But thanks so much, Marni. It really is a blessing in disguise.
Marni: That’s me! A blessing in disguise.
Rafael stops by the office to ask Jeff to go out for lunch. Instead, he and Marni surprise each other in the hallway when Rafael gets out of the elevator. She tells him the bad news, which is that Jeff is away at a meeting. But as luckwould have it, Marni was looking for Rafael with some good news just for him.
Marni has a friend who owns a yoga studio. One of the instructors suddenly moved to Hawaii, so Marni’s friend needs a new yoga teacher to take the open job. Marni knows that teaching yoga is Rafael’s dream job, so she wants to tell him about it. She asks Rafael for his phone number so that she can give it to her friend.
At first, Rafael was disappointed not to see Jeff, but after talking to Marni, he now thinks it was a blessing in disguisethat Jeff wasn’t there.
Have you ever experienced a blessing in disguise? What were you expecting to happen, and what happened instead?
Grammar Point
Imperative Form
Marni tells Rafael, “Let’s put your number in my phone.” She uses the imperative form.
“Stop!,” “Come here!,” and “Look out!” are all examples of the imperative form. You can use the imperative form togive an order, a warning, or some advice.
To form the imperative, use the infinitive form of the verb without “to.” To make a negative imperative, put “do not” or “don’t” in front of the verb, as in, “Don’t touch that!”
The imperative is formed the same for all subjects (you, he, we, they), but you can include yourself in the imperative by adding “Let’s,” as in, “Let’s go for a swim.” Or, as in Marni’s comment, “Let’s put your number in my phone.”
If you want to be more polite when using an imperative, just add “please.” For example, “Please leave me alone. I’m trying to learn English!”
Which is correct, “Let’s driving to the beach,” or, “Let’s drive to the beach”?